Wednesday, January 18

Sexy and Cheesy !!

You ever listen to a song that is posted on your friend's social network sites? I don't know about most of the people, but I do listen or click the link of news or YouTube songs that my friends share on their wall. I have this bad habit of, you know, clicking the links that are shared or posted or even any lyrics they write on their status. And I have been thankful so many times for their assistance in building up my music library.

Monday, January 16

Give things up sometimes

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to."

                    - Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Unless you are dead or you live alone in woods, stop complaining about how much or how many times you have sacrificed for someone. It's only for the loved ones, you can do such act. No strangers or any other person in the street have that fortune to receive such goodness. Have you done anything for the beggar? Have you even spared a cent on them out of love or any other emotions? Well, I have not. Its only from deep down the heart, the humane act is possible. You do these for someone to see that little or wide curve on their faces, which we call contentment. At last, it would be well worth the effort to sacrifice, isn't it?

BumbleBee Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon